2015 Ілюстрація services

About: LOQUAR provides comprehensive care to children and adults on the proper development of speech and its recovery from injury, stroke, or other accidents.
TASK: to highlight the current problems of children's speech and ways to overcome them in a pleasant and repulsive form.

SOLUTION: We created digital strategy named “Speech evolution”, but it was uncomfortable for parents to talk about their child openly and frankly. We decided to create special funny characters for communication, which represent a problem: stuttering Bunny Zaikayka, Shepelyavyi Bumblebee Kartavy Rabbit Silent Lyba. And little girl: Sony Znayka, which tells how to cope with a particular speech defect.

AGENCY WORK: creative idea in support of social media strategy, illustration and character design, layout of the brand pages in social media.

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